At Victoria Community School we aim to inspire all of our pupils to take part in sports. We aim to provide opportunities for children to compete in activities in and out of school in order to build character and help to embed values such as team work, fairness and respect.
We believe that positive participation in physical education will enable children to build, self-esteem, team work and positive attitudes in P.E.
PE leads to improved fitness, good health, concentration, attitude and academic achievement. It can help children:
To be more responsible for themselves and others
Educate and develop a healthy lifestyle
Learn to co-operate as a team and display leadership skills
Experience healthy competition - learn to cope with life’s successes and defeats
To be proud of and raise their achievement
Build self-esteem
Provide quality opportunities for children outside of school time
We aim to encourage the children to be the best that they can be.
At Victoria Community School we aim to ensure the sustainability of PE in future years as we recognise the importance of the children’s health and wellbeing.
For future guidance on how we plan to sustain PE please see our Sports Premium Action Plan.
We are delighted to announce that during the Summer 2019 Victoria Community School was awarded the Sainsbury's 'School Games' Platinum Award - the highest level obtainable. This recognises and celebrates the school commitment to sports and the increased participation of all children in a variety of games and competitions.
Hannah Ward Georgia Gough
Sports Partnership Manager Sports Partnership Officer
School Games Organiser
Barclays Girls’ Football School Partnerships
Strategic Lead
ALL young people within East Staffordshire have access to sustainable structures of PE and physical activity.
Provide opportunities across all age groups that promote lifelong, participation of physical activity with our values at the core of our offer.
Inspire Empathy Excellence Positivity Creativity
As a Sports Partnership we manage 61 schools across East Staffordshire ensuring their PE and school sport provision is aligned with the National Curriculum and supported with the PE and Primary Premium spend. We organise school sport competitions, events and initiatives so ALL young people have the opportunity to participate in sport and PE. We also deliver CPD workshop, curricular and extra-curricular PE including, team teaching. Additionally, we support schools with intra, inter and county level events.
Twitter- @Eaststaffssp
The School Games will continue to make a clear and meaningful difference to the lives of even more children and young people.
Putting physical activity and competitive sport at the heart of schools and providing more young people with the opportunity to compete and achieve their personal best.
Children participate in two hours of physical education (PE) per week with the opportunity to attend extra curricular activities at lunchtimes and after school.
Our annual Health, Fitness and Safety is planned for week commencing Monday 3rd July 2023.
All the children will have opportunities to participate in a wide range of activities such as: tree climbing, tennis, kick boxing, multi skills, bouncy castle, fire station visit, healthy eating, road safety and many more.
During the week they will learn the importance of road safety, fire safety, looking after your teeth and bodies through food and exercise. We hope that the children will be able to implement their learning into their daily lives.
The children pictured were all voted for by their class to represent the school voice in all sporting decisions.
Meetings are held to discuss sporting ideas for the term ahead. Suggestions and ideas raised at meetings are recorded in a Sports Council Booklet. This is then distributed and shared with fellow pupils in their class for them to express their own opinions and ideas.
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