Our teacher is Mrs Turner.
There are 31 children in our class - 16 boys and 15 girls in our class
Here is a copy of our daily timetable
8.45 – 9.00 | Children start arriving and go straight into class - MORNING ACTIVITIES | ||||
| ||||
9.00 – 10.45
| Whole Class Shared Reading
English | Whole Class Shared Reading
English | Whole Class Shared Reading
English | Whole Class Shared Reading
English | 9.00-9.25 ASSEMBLY
Whole Class Shared Reading
English |
10.45 – 11.00 | B | R | E | A | K |
11.00 – 12.30
TAs leave at 12.10pm | Mathematics
Read Aloud and Word Aware | Mathematics
Read Aloud and Word Aware | Mathematics
Read Aloud and Word Aware | Mathematics
Read Aloud and Word Aware | Mathematics
Read Aloud and Word Aware |
12.30 – 12.55 | L | U | N | C | H |
12.55 – 1.15 | Outside play with TAs | ||||
1.15 – 1.25 | Register and circle time | ||||
Afternoon break – to be decided by teacher
| Creative Curriculum | 1.25-2.25pm Music (AS) 1:25 -1:55 Dahl 1:55 – 2:25 Fletcher
PE 2:25- 3:25 | PE 1:25- 2:25
Science | PPA
RE ICT | Creative Curriculum/Science
Class Golden Time |
3.05 – 3.25
| ASSEMBLY (LS) | Assembly (in class) | Class Assembly | SONG PRACTICE (AS) | |
3.30 | Home time |
We encourage all children to follow these codes carefully.
As part of our British Values in Year 3, we will be learning about democracy by encouraging the children to make decisions together. One of the ways we will be doing this is by holding class votes. We vote for our School Council representatives and also vote for our Behaviour Ambassador each half term.
Mutual respect and tolerance of each other are part of the values underpinned in Year 3, and the importance of accepting, respecting and valuing the feelings and views of others is embedded in the day to day learning. We will be learning about similarities and differences, and how these should be celebrated. Children are always encouraged to develop their self-confidence and self-esteem, and to express their needs and opinions.
The children are taught the importance of having rules and routines in place within the school and classroom, and how they contribute to making our school a safe and happy environment. They are always encouraged to think about their actions and make good choices. Our Behaviour Ambassador helps children to make the correct choices.
We work together to help one another and to make Year 3 Fletcher an amazing class!
Our Behaviour Ambassador for this half term is:
We have chosen these children to represent Fletcher Class...
These children have been chosen to promote reading across the school and to help keep the school library tidy...
Class Awards
Each week, children are selected for certificates based on their learning and behaviour. This term our awards go to...
Positive Learning Behaviours
Well done-fantastic work!
READING - read every day at home and write comments in children's reading journals. Certificates are given when children have read a certain number of books:
Bronze - 25 books Silver - 50 books Gold - 100 books
SPELLINGS - we have spelling tests each week. Copies of the words will be uploaded to Class Dojo.
KNOWLEDGE ORGANISERS - these are provided for each of our Science and Creative Curriculum topics. They show the key facts and vocabulary that children will be learning. We refer to these at the beginning of each lesson so children need to read them at home to consolidate their understanding.
Homework tasks will be set at the beginning of each half term and will relate to our learning in school. Children will be able to choose which tasks they would like to complete. Homework should be returned by the end of the half term.
Our topics enable us to develop and apply knowledge and skills in different areas of the curriculum, such as history, geography and art. These lessons take place during the afternoon. Where possible, we go on educational visits or invite visitors in, so that we develop our learning and understanding more. These are the topics that we will be covering each half-term.
Topics 2022-2023
| Take me on a Journey | Natural Creations |
The Romans
Exploring the United Kingdom
| Canals | The Victorians |
Our author this half term is Ted Hughes.
We are enjoying reading his story 'The Iron Man'.
If you are isolating with Covid and well, you are still expected to complete your learning. Click on links below to see the weekly learning planners and work set for each day.
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