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Year 6 - Horowitz

Welcome to Year 6 - Horowitz

Our class teacher is Mr Preston.

We are all looking forward to the year ahead and working alongside you all.

There are currently   29  children in our class.

There are   16  boys and  13  girls.

Victoria Behaviour Codes

  • Be Safe and Happy

  • Be Respectful

  • Learn More!

Our Welcome leaflet

Parents Introductory information

Home school agreement

British Values

As part of our British values we have been discussing democracy and how we can influence decision making through the democratic process.  The class took part in a mock election with a ballot paper of nominees to select the Class representatives for School Council, Sports Council and Eco Warriors.  The children were given opportunities to present a speech to their peers to persuade them to vote for them.  We looked at how the democratic system works in Britain and the advantages and disadvantages of this. 


We discussed that the rule of law protects everyone and how we need school and class codes to distinguish right from wrong and also how these may differ from some religious views and opinions. 


Through our PSHE lessons, we will discuss and model freedom of speech via pupil participation in circle time and class discussions and debates.  We respect and promote our cultural and religious differences by celebrating multicultural festivals. 


Children are encouraged to challenge stereotypes and they know and understand that it is expected and imperative that respect is shown to everyone, whatever differences we may have and to everything, however big or small.



All children at Victoria Community School have homework, in Year 6 it just gets a little more demanding, preparing them for their transition to daily homework in Year 7 at High School.  Homework books will be supplied to each child at the beginning of the year and I hope you will take good care of them and take pride in the work you put into them.  You could cover them to keep them looking pristine!


The children are expected to read daily for 20 minutes as this will help them develop their understanding and fluency when reading longer texts.  Their reading records are to be signed when parents/guardians/older siblings have listened to them read.  We aim for each child to have read 100 books by the end of Year 6 so they can achieve their Gold Award Olympic Reader Certificate.


Spellings will be given out to learn on a weekly basis.


Most homework will be given out on a weekly basis, but there may be some other weeks when there are tasks to complete.  Weekly homework will be given out on Thursdays, to be returned by the following Tuesday. 

The homework will all relate to what your child is currently learning in class.  This half-term, the children will be completing the following, in addition to their reading and spellings;


  • maths work about place value, addition and subtraction
  • English work for autobiographical writing, poetry and balanced arguments
  • comprehension work about the Mayan civilisation 
  • science work about living things and their habitats

School Council members


Our representatives were elected by the class. 

Yusef and Aleeza

They are both very excited about representing our class.  


Reading Ambassadors


Qasim, Abdul, Iman and Airah are our four reading ambassadors who have a passion for reading and are very excited about their roles.  Watch out for the newsletters over the academic year full of information.


Sports Council


 Abdullah and Hadiyah were elected by the class.  


Digital Leaders


Saaim and Summaiyah are very excited about taking on the Smartbots for your class this year





Author for this half term - David Almond

We are reading Skellig by David Almond this half term,