This term we are exploring colours all around me and different senses The children have been mixing and experimenting with different colours mixing them together to see what happens in a variety of ways.
All the children have also used mirrors to look at their faces to see how we look and what makes us all different. We have painted a self portrait of ourselves, and shared family portraits or baby photos with our friends and teachers at circle time. We enjoyed painting the farm animals from the story Spot Goes to the Farm, and listening to the noises the farm animals make. Glueing and sticking was lots of fun using different textures to decorate our names. We enjoyed exploring textures inside and outside and also enjoyed using paper and crayons to rub onto different surfaces to see what magic marks they make.
We enjoyed making our own sound bottles using pasta and rice and decorating our bottles, we loved to listen to the different sounds they made, and singing songs with them.
We made smoothies and enjoyed listening to the sounds it made, using all Five Senses, Taste, Look, Feel, Sound Smell, it was very yummy.
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