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School Dinners



photos to follow

Children can stay at school for dinner or they can bring a packed lunch with a drink in a carton.  Our PALs Team take great care of children at lunch time.  They encourage children to try out new dishes but we do not make children eat their dinner.  The PALs Team also organise games and activities during the lunch hour.  Teachers are not on duty at dinnertime.  We have a staggered lunch time:


Dinner times for children attending Victoria Road are as follows:

  • Key Stage 1 -  12.00 pm - 1.00 pm
  • Key Stage 2 - 12.30 pm to 1.20 pm


Children who attend school at Belvoir Road (Orchard Site) have lunch 12.00 pm - 12.45 pm


Please ensure that your child is clear about what they are doing for their dinner each day for registration.


Dinner money is payable in advance via your ParentPay account or paypoint card.  Please ensure you regularly check your account balance to avoid going in to arrears. 


School Dinner Menu

Free School Meals


Parents claiming some benefits can claim free school meals for any of their children who are registered at a Staffordshire school and who would normally be at school at lunch time. School meals are a good way to ensure that your child eats well at lunchtime, and you can save yourself time and money.


Even if you don't want your children to have the meals, claiming them helps their school. The more eligible parents who claim meals, the more funding the school receives.


Free School Meals for Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 Children


From September 2014, if you have an infant age child (those in Reception, year 1 or year 2) they can receive free school meals even if you don't meet the entitlement criteria and without completing an application for them - for more information contact your school.


However, for every pupil registered with the council as eligible under the entitlement criteria, the school will receive additional funding called Pupil Premium which is used to help raise achievement levels. Each school will decide how to spend the funding and are required to publish details of what they have spent it on and the impact it has had. So that schools (and pupils) can continue to benefit from this extra funding it is important that parents who do meet the entitlement criteria continue to register the claim with the council.     



This link will take you to online application for free school meals




Once you have completed the online application you will receive an immediate answer.  If your claim is successful please send a screen shot of your eligible result to Mrs Jones to her email address s.jones1@victoria.staffs.sch.uk

or email should you require any further assistance.