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Year 3 - Dahl

Welcome to Year 3 Dahl



Our class teachers are Mrs Ali.

There are 30 children in our class. 

18 girls and 12 boys.




British Values 


As part of British Values, we will be learning about democracy, mutual respect and tolerance. We will encourage children to make decisions together, think about the importance of accepting, respecting and valuing feelings and views of others. We will be talking about similarities and differences, and how these should be celebrated. Children will be encouraged to develop their self-confidence and self-esteem, and to express their needs and opinions.


We will discuss the importance of having rules and routines and how they contribute to making our community a safe and happy environment. We will think about our actions and how to make good choices. Our Behaviour Ambassador will choose a weekly 'behaviour star' to celebrate this.


In year 3 Dahl we will be working TOGETHER as:

It is literally true that you can succeed best and quickest by helping others to succeed.”

Napoleon Hill


Our School Behaviour Codes


Be safe and happy!

Be respecful!

Learn more!



Homework tasks will be set at the beginning of each half term and will relate to our learning in school. Children will be able to choose which tasks they would like to complete. Reading and spellings should be practised every week. Homework should be returned by the end of the half term.

Class Representatives


This year's School Council Representatives are: 

The class' Sports Council Representatives are: 

This half-term's Behaviour Ambassador is: 

This half-term's Reading Ambassadors are: 

Our Smartboots are: 

Our Eco-Warriors are:




Special Mention and Lunchtime Awards

Each week, children are selected for certificates based on their learning and behaviour. This week our awards go to:





Well done! Fantastic work no




Reading Olympics

As part of our Reading Olympics we encourage children to read daily at home.  Please support your child to read on a daily basis and sign their Reading Journals.  We aim to hear all of the children read in class through individual and guided reading.  



Our lovely reading corner!






Creative Curriculum

Our topics enable us to develop and apply knowledge and skills in different areas of the curriculum, such as history, geography and art.  These lessons take place during the afternoon.  Where possible, we go on educational visits or invite visitors in, so that we develop our learning and understanding more.  These are the topics that we will be covering each half-term.  




Take me on a Journey

Autumn 1

Natural Creations

Autumn 2

The Romans

Spring 1

Exploring the UK

Spring 2




Summer 1





The Victorians

Summer 2



Word mats and resources we use to help us with our learning