Our teacher is Mrs Campion.
There are currently 30 children in our class.
There are 19 boys and 11 girls.
If you are isolating with Covid and well, you are still expected to complete your learning. Click on links below to see the weekly learning planners and work set for each day.
Useful Website Links
Facebook page for Victoria Community SchoolGet the latest ideas for home learning including the LEGO 30 Day Challenge and the 30 Day Art/DT Challenge
EspressoUsername: student27637 Password: Victoria
Times Tables Rock StarsUse the login and password from your reading journal
ThinkuKnowA free online internet safety programme by the National Crime Agency (different activities every fortnight)
White Rose Maths CurriculumThis is the curriculum we follow for maths so pick and choose the areas that you find most challenging
Oxford OwlFree eBooks on this website for different ages/levels
Staffordshire Library ServiceFree ebooks with library card and PIN
TwinklThis website has a wealth of free resources for ALL areas. Setting this up is really easy to do - go to www.twinkl.co.uk/offer and enter the code UKTWINKLHELPS
BBC Learning ZoneCovers ALL areas - including French, if interested
Classroom SecretsCovers many curriculum topis
STEM LearningScience and computer learning
National Literacy Trust'Family Zone' area that has lots of free, relevant resources
Premier League Primary StarsFree resources covering English, maths, P.E. and health & wellbeing
Homework is given on a Friday and is expected to be handed in the following Tuesday. The children will be given 2 pieces of homework each week that will be related to their learning in class.
All children in class are expected to read on a daily basis to further develop their reading skills such as comprehension and fluency of reading. Children are also given the opportunity once a week to use the reading corner to promote reading during their guided reading sessions.
British Values
As part of our British values we have been discussing democracy and how we can influence decision making through the democratic process. The class took part in a mock election with a ballot paper of nominees to elect the Class representatives for School Council, Sports Council and Eco Warriors. The children were given opportunities to present a speech to their peers to persuade them to vote for them. We looked at how the democratic system works in Britain and the advantages and disadvantages of this.
We discussed that the rule of law protects everyone and how we need school and class codes to distinguish right from wrong and also how these may differ from some religious views and opinions.
Through our PSHE lessons, we have discussed and modelled freedom of speech via pupil participation in circle time and class discussions and debates. We respect and promote our cultural and religious differences by celebrating multicultural festivals.
As part of National Coding Week we completed a great coding activity on Minicraft. We all had to complete a number of levels to be able to work through our coding activity.
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