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Year 5 - Rundell

Welcome to Year 5 Rundell


Our class teacher is Mrs Akhtar. 

I am really looking forward to working with you all this year. 


There are currently 20 children in our class.

There are 9 boys and 11 girls.

Class Codes 

  • Keep your hands and feet to yourself. 
  • Respect everyone and everything. 
  • Be a good listener and try your best. 
  • Show good manners.
  • Be proud to be in the Victoria team. 

British Values

As part of our British values we have been discussing democracy and how we can influence decision making through the democratic process.  The class took part in a mock election with a ballot paper of nominees to select the Class representatives for School Council, Sports Council and Eco Warriors.  The children were given opportunities to present a speech to their peers to persuade them to vote for them.  We looked at how the democratic system works in Britain and the advantages and disadvantages of this.  

We discussed that the rule of law protects everyone and how we need school and class codes to distinguish right from wrong and also how these may differ from some religious views and opinions.  

Through our PSHE lessons, we have discussed and modelled freedom of speech via pupil participation in circle time and class discussions and debates.  We respect and promote our cultural and religious differences by celebrating multicultural festivals. 


Class Representatives

School Council- Oskar and Amna 

Librarians- Reuben and Nargis

Digital Leaders- Ameer Hamza and Sehar

Sports Council- Kabir and Maymunah

Eco Warriors- Kaiden and Aisha

Expectations in Year 5

In Year 5, the children are set homework every half term. We expect this to be completed on time and to a high standard. The children are given spellings weekly and are tested every Friday, the children need to practice them at home. Children need to read daily at home with a parent or responsible adult and their reading journal needs to be signed. 

Class Timetable and Yearly Overview


Knowledge Organisers for Year 5


Author of the Term

Our author for Summer 2 is Onjali QA Rauf. In our daily reading sessions, we are reading Boy at the Back of the Class.

Design and Technology- Rockets

The children have all worked really hard in our Design and Technology lessons. They have all designed and made their own Rockets. The children also got the opportunity to evaluate their work. 

Coronation Celebrations

We had a wonderful time celebrating the coronation of the King. We spent the morning with the rest of the school and some of us took part in a Maypole dance. The children all came to school dressed in red, white and blue. 

Design and Technology

We have linked our Design and Technology to our current Science topic of Earth and Space. The children have measured and cut their wood using saws, ready to create the frame structure for their rocket. The children were all really sensible and worked really hard. 

World Book Day 2023

On Thursday 2nd March, we celebrated World Book Day. The children all made a fantastic effort and the costumes were brilliant. We had lots of cats from Varjak Paw by S.F.Said and lots of characters from Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief by Rick Riordan. We had a brilliant day, we took part in a Quiz with lots of different schools and completed lots of different World Book Day related activities. 

Non- Uniform Day

On Friday 17th February, the children all came to school wearing red to raise money for the Earthquake disaster in Turkey. Thank you for all of your generous donations. 

Back to School Reading Workshop 

On Wednesday 8th February, we had our second reading 'Back to School Workshop'. It was great to have parents in to see how we teach reading at school and to support the children. 

Ancient Greek Pots

The children have worked really hard and really enjoyed making their own Greek Pot as part of our Creative Curriculum topic this half term. 

Ancient Greece

Our topic this half term is Ancient Greece. The children really enjoyed looking at secondary sources to identify the different Greek Gods and Godessess and their associated symbols.


We have linked our art work to our topic of Ancient Greece. We have started to make our very own Ancient Greek Pots. We have used paper mache to cover a bowl, we are then going to paint our pots and add Ancient Greek style patterns.


English- King Midas and the Golden Touch.

In English, we have based our learning on King Midas and the Golden Touch. We have looked at the myth, the different characters and the moral. We have worked in small groups to perform the story. 

Children in Need 2022

The children came to school in their own clothes to raise money for Children in Need. 

Fantastic Half Term Homework

We are really impressed with the homework completed over October half term. The children made some fantastic Stone Age houses in preparation for our Stone Age topic this half term. 

PE- Gymnastics

During Autumn 1, we have been looking at Gymnastics as part of our PE. We have been working really hard at balancing and rolls. We have also worked with a partner to practise our balancing. 

Maths- Place Value to 1,000,000. 

We are really enjoying using Power Maths. We have been learning about place value to 1,00,000. The children have worked really hard with their partner to use the place value counters to understand the values of digits in different numbers. 

Mount Vesuvius Art Work

Our topic for Autumn 1 is Natural Disasters. To start our topic, the children created pieces of art inspired by artist, Andy Warhol. The children used oil pastels and paint to create their piece of art based on Mount Vesuvius.