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Speech and Language Centre

Victoria Speech and Language Centre is a twenty place specialist provision for children from Reception to Y4 who have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN).  Our children are organised into two classes – younger and older. 


We offer part time places for children who need specialist intervention.  Our experienced team includes specialist teachers and teaching assistants as well as resident Speech and Language Therapists and a Speech and Language Therapy Assistant.  This gives us a very high staffing ratio. 

Children join us for 3 days a week from their mainstream setting and attend their home school for the other two days. We work closely with home schools offer a bespoke service to meet each child’s individual needs.  


Our setting is calm, light, bright and spacious and is designed to be communication friendly.  We have access to amazing outdoor spaces as well. 


Entry is via a specialist termly panel.  Children will already have an NHS Speech Therapist and will have had at least one cycle of therapy as well as a risk matrix score of 16 or 12.  For full details, please see our protocol. 


Panel date for the Autumn term is Wednesday 23 October 2024.

Papers for October 2024 need to be submitted to the SLC admissions email address by 12pm on Wednesday 9th October at the latest.


If you think a child may benefit from a place with us, please speak to the child’s Speech and Language Therapist in the first instance. 


Further guidance is available below. 


For further information, please contact us on slc@victoria.staffs.sch.uk 

Admission Applications can be made via slcadmissions@staffordshire.gov.uk

If you have concerns about a child's speech and language development, here are useful links for parents and professionals


Parents -  https://www.stokespeaks.org/speech-language-therapy

Professionals - https://www.stokespeaks.org/professionals-slt


The professionals link has a link to the SALT referral form.