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Safeguarding in School

Safeguarding in School


At Victoria Community School we are committed to supporting all of our children to be their own personal best. We will do everything we can to ensure all of our children are safeguarded and protected from harm.

Below is a list outlining some of the things that we do to keep them safe and happy in school.

  • All staff, including Governors are Safeguarding trained

  • All staff and regular volunteers have received DBS clearance to work in school.  Visitors are asked to show this on arrival

  • We have 2 Pastoral leads, one at Victoria Road and one at Orchard, who are highly qualified and have a wealth of experience to support children and families

  • We have a dedicated safeguarding email address which can be used to report anything which is worrying the children, this will send through directly to Mr Smith the Headteacher and Safeguarding Leads.

  • The school website also has a link to the CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection) agency to report incidents CEOP Safety Centre

  • We develop positive relationships with every child so that they are encouraged to tell us if they are worried about anything

  • We talk to the children about Online Safety and the dangers of the internet

  • We include regular items on e-safety in our newsletter and social media channels

  • Mr Smith and a representative from the Governing Body has taken part in Safer Recruitment Training

  • We have an Anti-Bullying Charter which has been designed by the children themselves.  Please see the menu entitled ‘Children’ for more details

  • We have a Safeguarding Action Plan and Mr Smith and the governors take part in a yearly audit to ensure that we are effective

  • Our Designated Safeguarding Governor is Mr D Symons. We talk about Safeguarding at regular governor meetings

  • Every visitor is expected to read the document below to ensure that they can help keep your child safe at all times.


School follow statutory guidance, which include: Keeping children safe in education – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) and Working together to safeguard children – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)


Please help us keep our children safe


The designated Safeguarding Leads in school are:

Mr Smith - Headteacher

Mrs Keyworth-Edwards – Deputy Headteacher Victoria Road

Miss Simpson - Deputy Headteacher Orchard

Mrs Arif (Victoria Road) and Mrs Burrows (Orchard) – Pastoral leads 

Mrs Coulthard - Head of Speech and Language Centre 


If a child makes a disclosure to you, whilst they are under your supervision, about their welfare or safety, please request a Safeguarding Disclosure Form from the school office and fill it out accurately. Please record the facts as they are disclosed to you being careful not to ask any leading questions.

Should you notice any unusual marks or bruises on a child or witness anything which is of a concern to you in relation to a child’s behaviour, welfare or safety, record Safeguarding Disclosure Form and hand it over to the Designated Safeguarding Lead. If in doubt, seek further advice.

Please hand the form to the Headteacher, or in his absence – Mrs Keyworth-Edwards, Mrs Simpson, Mrs Arif or Mrs Burrows. The information on the form should be kept extremely confidential.


Please challenge all visitors who are not wearing a ‘Victoria Community School’ badge.


Please make sure that all external doors are closed behind you.


A copy of our Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy is available from Reception.


Schools, colleges and children’s services : Safeguarding children – detailed information – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk) provides up to date Government guidance


The number for Staffordshire Children's Advice And Support (SCAS): 

0300 111 8007

Emergency Out of Hours Service (out of hours) Tel No. 0345 604 2886



PLEASE EMAIL: safeguarding@victoria.staffs.sch.uk 


Safeguarding Policy 2023-2024

Child Friendly Safeguarding Policy - Created by the Victoria School Parliament

The Police in Staffordshire

If you believe that a child is at immediate risk and in need of protection then you should call the Police - 999, immediately.

Alternatively, if you want advice from the Police and the child is not in immediate need of protection, you can call the Police on the telephone number 101



Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support Service (SCAS)

Staffordshire Children's Advice and Support Service (SCAS), have a duty team to help you talk about concerns you have and take action to make children safe. The social care staff can always be asked for advice if you are not sure about a situation.

During  working days, Monday to Thursday, between 8.30am and 5.00pm and Friday 8.30am and 4.30pm, they can be contacted on the telephone number 0300 111 8007



Out of hours

Outside of the hours above, or on weekends and bank holidays, please contact the Emergency Duty Service by phoning 0345 604 2886.




Early Help




What is Early Help?

Early help is a way of getting extra support when your family needs it, but getting it as soon as difficulties start, rather than waiting until things get worse. It’s for children and young people of any age. Help can come from all kinds of services and organisations who work together to support your family. You might be using some of these services already, but we want to make sure they are providing the right support for you and your family’s needs.


Why should I seek Early Help?

It could be that you’re worried about your child’s health, development or behaviour ,or perhaps because you are caring for a disabled child. Maybe your child is affected by domestic abuse, drugs, or alcohol. Perhaps your child is a carer for other people.


Who do I ask?

Have a chat with Mrs Arif or Mrs Burrows or a health professional. They can help you look at what types of support is available and who might be able to help. Your local children, young people and families centre also has lots of services and support for families with children, some especially for children with additional needs.


What sort of services or help do I get? 

It depends on what you need and it might include services you already get. We will agree it with you and make sure it all joins up.


What happens in an Early Help Assessment?

You will be fully involved and we will listen to you. It may be that we just talk to you and point you to the support you want. If it’s a bit more complicated, we’ll need to ask you for information that we write down or type. This is so we can get the right information and share it (if you agree) with people who need to know, so we can better understand your circumstances and match up services that would support you. You’ll get a plan showing what you want to achieve and the support you need.


Can I say no to an Early Help Assessment? 

Yes you can. But we would like to stay in contact with you in case your circumstances alter or you change your mind.


Does it mean that Social Services will get involved? 

No. If in the future your circumstances change and it becomes a possibility, we will keep you involved and work with you so that you understand what is happening and why.


What happens when I stop receiving Early Help?

We want you to become confident and able to find your own solutions and take responsibility for your family. You can continue to use all services that are open to families and children, and if your needs change then please ask us for further help if you need it.


Staffordshire Connects 

Find out more about our Family Support and Outreach Service. It provides early help, family support, an outreach service and help to find and access resources and support in your local community. 


Staffordshire Connects