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National Curriculum

National Curriculum


At Victoria, we teach the National Curriculum 2014.  This ensures children learn the same things and sets the standards children should reach in each subject.


Compulsory subjects at primary school are:

  • English
  • Maths
  • Science
  • Computing
  • History
  • Geography
  • Art and design
  • Design and technology
  • Music
  • Physical education (PE), including swimming


We also teach religious education (RE), personal, social and health education (PSHE) and citizenship.




Children are formally assessed at the end of each key stage (Year 2 and Year 6) using teacher assessments and national tasks and tests.


At the end of Year 1, children have a phonics screening check to assess their ability to read and decode words.


We run meetings for parents to share information about these assessments and discuss any questions/concerns you may have about them.

Curriculum Further Information

If you have any further questions or queries regarding the School Curriculum please contact the school.