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School Vision

Geography lessons at Victoria Community school are aimed at generating curiosity and fascination about the world. Children are given the opportunity to deepen their geography knowledge and develop key geography skills by exploring, discovering and making links like geographers.


We learn about our diverse world, people, natural resources and environments, with a deep understanding of the Earth’s key physical and human processes. Our pupils are exposed to various geographical enquiries and encouraged to use effective analytical and presentational techniques. We are trying to support the learning with a real context as we are convinced it is essential to understand national and global issues.


All lessons are linked to our Creative Curriculum topics which provide opportunities to use and apply literacy, numeracy, computing and art skills whilst learning geography.


We believe that:


“Learning about the diversity of our planet, formation of its landscape and the impact of human actions on its current form provides us with the essential skills to become critical thinkers who are passionate about the world and its future shape.”

National Curriculum Overview

Geography at Victoria

Natural Disasters Topic in Year 5

The children in Year 5 have worked really hard during their Natural Disasters topic. They have learnt about different disasters, such as; volcanoes, earthquakes, hurricanes, floods and droughts. The children really enjoyed working in small groups to design and make their own 'Earthquake Proof' building. 

Great websites for our young Geographers:)

Just click the image and explore!


Geography Games National Geographic for kids 3D Geography
Facts / Maps / Games Fun Facts Educational Quizzes KS1
Educational Quizzes KS2 Interactive Maps and Games  Geography Clips