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Year 1 - Murphy

Welcome to Year 1 - Murphy

Our teacher is Mrs Crooks.
There are  24  children in our class – 14 boys and 10 girls

Remote Learning

If you are isolating with Covid and well, you are still expected to complete your learning. Click on the star icon below to see the weekly learning planners and the work set for each day.

Home School Agreement

Welcome Leaflet

Parents Introduction to Year 1

School Codes

  • Be safe and happy
  • Be respectful
  • Learn more

British Values

As part of our British Values in Year 1, we will be learning about democracy by encouraging the children to make decisions together.  One of the ways we will be doing this is by holding class votes. Over the year we will hold class votes to select our School Council representatives, Sports Council representatives and Behaviour Ambassadors for each half term.


Showing mutual respect and tolerance of one another are part of the values underpinned in Year 1. We understand how important it is to respect and value the feelings and views of others and celebrate ways in which we are different and the same. Our topic 'Ourselves' will help us to learn more about this, as well as taking pride in who we are and ways in which we treat others. Children will be encouraged as part of their self confidence and self awareness to feel confident to express their needs and opinions.


In Year 1, children are taught the importance of having rules and routines in place within the school and classroom. We use our rules to help us make good choices and think about our actions, keeping our school a safe and happy place! Each week our Dojo winner will become our weekly Behaviour Ambassador. 



Behaviour Ambassador



Job Roles in 1 Murphy


Digital Leaders - Adam and Aisha R

School Council - Abdurahman and Aisha E

Sports Council - Amir and Inaya

ECO Warrior - Michael and Lorelai

Librarians - Phillip and Eshaal


Class Awards

Each week, children are selected for certificates based on their learning and behaviour. This week our awards go to...


Special Mention

Presentation of the Week - Inaya



Dojo Winner



Well done-fantastic work! smiley




Our Timetable

Please find Year 1 Murphy's timetable below. We will be having PE on Tuesday and Thursday. Children will need to come to school in their PE kits on their PE days. Earrings need to be taken out (unless the children are able to do this themselves).

Year Overview

Creative Curriculum Overview

Our topics enable us to develop and apply knowledge and skills in different areas of the curriculum, such as history, geography and art.  These lessons take place during the afternoon.  We do link our topic work with our English learning through stories, poems and drama.  Where possible, we go on educational visits or invite visitors in, so that we develop our learning and understanding more.

Take a look at each topic to find out what learning has taken place at school. Click on the link to look at the knowledge organiser to support your child's learning.

Science Overview

Our Science consists of 6 topics: Animals including humans, Animals, Seasonal Changes, Everyday Materials, Investigations, Plants. Where possible we link these topics to other areas of learning.

Take a look at each topic to find out what learning has taken place at school. Click on the link to look at the knowledge organiser to support your child's learning.

Reading Books

Children will have an individual reading and library book to take home weekly. Please read with your child on a daily basis and don’t forget to write a comment so that we can see that they have read. When they have read 25 books at home, they are awarded the bronze Reading Olympic certificate in assembly. The next challenge is to read 50 books for the silver award and then 100 books for the gold award.



Homework: The children will be given a variety of activities to complete each week on 'Class Dojo'. The homework will be sent on a Friday and needs to be handed in on the following Tuesday. 


We will be talk through and explain the homework to the children before they take it home, however if you have any questions or the children are unsure as to what they are meant to do please feel free to speak to a staff member in Year 1 either yourselves or to encourage the children to come to see us if they need help completing their work.


The children will also be taking home a reading book and a library book. Please read with your children on a daily basis at home and write a comment in their reading journals to let us know how they got on. Library books will be changed weekly.

Parent Help For Class Dojo

Class Dojo is a great App to help with your child's home learning. We also use this App daily at School. Use this help sheet to support you to navigate yourself around. If you have any questions at all then just ask.

Use the link below to help your child to access their homework on Class Dojo:




Every half-term we have targets for maths. Here are our targets:


    Summer 2:

  • I can count in 2s, 5s and 10s.

    Summer 1:

  • I know number bonds to all numbers to 10.

    Spring 2:

  • I know doubles and halves of numbers to 10.

    Spring 1:

  • I know number bonds for each number to 20.

   Autumn Term 2:

  • I know number bonds for each number to 10.

      Autumn Term 1:

  • I know number bonds for each number to 5.




Reading Corner and Author of the Term

We enjoy reading in our book corner.

We will be finding out facts about them and reading some of their stories.

We have recently learnt that an Author is somebody who writes a story.

Summer 1

Summer 1 Author: Jill Murphy

Spring 2

Spring 2 Author: David McKee

Spring 1

Spring 1 Author: Nick Butterworth

Autumn 2

Autumn 2 Author: Judith Kerr

Autumn 1

Autumn 1 Author: Janet and Allan Ahlberg

English in Year 1


Maths in Year 1


Base Ten

Number Bonds


Part-Whole Diagrams

Length, weight and capacity


Articulation of Phonemes

Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 1

This Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 1 video is designed to be shared with families by schools using Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised to he...

Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 2

This Phase 2 sounds taught in Reception Autumn 2 video is designed to be shared with families to help them to support learning at home. Little Wandle Letters...

Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1

This Phase 3 sounds taught in Reception Spring 1 video is designed to be shared with families to help them support the learning at home. Little Wandle Letter...

The grapheme mats we use to help us with our writing.

                       Other things we use in year 1 to help us with our learning.

Common exception words

Extra Curriculum activities and online learning

Phunky foods  https://www.phunkyfoods.co.uk/whole-school-activities   Username: Victoria   Password: phunky

Commando Joe's https://youtu.be/pULugLLGaQA Watch the different videos and join in.

BBC Bitesize https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize Online learning.

Oak National Academy  https://www.thenational.academy/ Online video lessons and resources.

imoves https://imoves.com/ Create a login and enjoy PE.

Jolly Phonics https://www.jollylearning.co.uk/shop/uk-shop/phonics-resources/decodable-e-readers/jolly-phonics-decodable-e-readers/ Download the app to access free books.

Children's Mental Health Week https://www.childrensmentalhealthweek.org.uk/parents-and-carers/ Join in with the free activities.

Phonics Play https://phonicsplaycomics.co.uk/comics.html username: jan21 password: home Join for free.

Oxford owl https://ww.oxfordowl.co.uk Username: Elms1 Password: Victoria

Safer Internet Day https://vimeo.com/508893061/4cb72674cd


Website Links

Here are some useful websites that your child can use to help support their learning;


Phonics play https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/freeIndex.htm Username: march20 Password: home

Espresso https://www.discoveryeducation.co.uk/ Username: student27637 Password: victoria

Topmarks https://www.topmarks.co.uk/  

Go Noodle https://family.gonoodle.com/ 

Twinkl www.twinkl.co.uk use the code PARENTSTWINKLHELP for free access. 

The Booktrust https://www.booktrust.org.uk/books-and-reading/have-some-fun/ Stories and activities for children to enjoy 

Phunky Foods  http://www.phunkyfoods.co.uk/home-learning/ No login or password required. Healthy recipes.

BBC Bitesize  https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize Home Learning lessons online.

PHSE https://families.jigsawpshe.com/stuck-at-home-1/ Some nice stories to link in with Personal, Social and Emotional Development.

Geography https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks1/geography/ Lots of different quizzes for Geography.

History https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks1/history/ Lots of different quizzes for History.