Children may only wear plain ear studs (not hoops) and a watch. Please leave all bangles and necklaces or other items of jewellery safely at home. Earrings must be removed for all PE lessons, please ensure that your child does not wear earrings on the days that they have PE.
Suitable black school shoes should be worn within school and provide full support to the foot. (not boots or trainers).
Please ensure your child’s PE kit is left in school and meets the uniform requirements. An additional pair of tight leggings can be provided for PE only, to be worn under shorts.
Please do not let your child bring any mobile phones, toys, items of jewellery, large amounts of money or other valuables to school.
Hairbands/hair accessories should be green and appropriate for school activities.
Children should not wear nail varnish to school.
Please note that going forward, school will NOT provide any further water bottles for pupils. Once our existing stock of sterilizing tablets has been used, bottles will be sent home to be washed and lost bottles will not be replaced.
All haircuts should be no shorter than a grade 2, must be consistently the same length (except the fringe) and must have no tramlines or patterns cut in. Also, there should be no shaved detail in eyebrows.
Thank you in advance for your support in ensuring that we maintain these standards within Samuel Allsopp primary and Nursery School.
All uniform and bags can be purchased from either by visiting their shop on Wellington Street, Burton upon Trent or online who supply all our school uniform, PE kits and school bags.
How to order from MyUniform
Click on "Find Your School" and select Samuel Allsopp Primary and Nursery School you will then see all of the customised items you can buy.
Choose the quantity and sizes you’d like and add them to your basket.
Pay easily with a debit or credit card at the checkout
Your items will be delivered within 5-7 days.
Please note there will be a £6.95 delivery charge, collection from store is free.
For details of our school uniform please see the Uniform Check list information below or School Prospectus for further information.
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