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World Book Day March 2020 - The children's amazing creations

Always Club Celebration Spring 1

NSPCC and Childline Assembly


All the children at Victoria enjoyed a wonderfully informative assembly - Speak out, Stay safe - was the message that ran throughout the assembly and the following workshops for Year 5 and 6. Talking to the children about all the worries that they may have and who to talk to helped the children to realise they didn't have to worry on their own, there was always a trusted adult to listen to them. Remember if you want to talk to Childline the number is 08001111.

BRCP Candidates - Well done to all the girls who put themselves forward to be a candidate for the Burton River Collaborative Partnership Student Committee.

NSPCC Numbers Day @ Orchard

A very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Christmas lunch and Party day @ Orchard Site

Remembrance Day - The 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month - lest we forget.

Celebrating Shakespeare in Year 6 - Creating an imaginative theater set from a box!

NSPCC Speak out. Stay safe. with Buddy. Year 5 and 6 Workshop 19.4.16

World Book Day in Years 5 and 6. Can you guess what books we have been reading?

Our presentations from Earthquake Day